Minggu, 20 Maret 2011

British Parliamentary Debate In UIR


Sorry, It's too late to post about this now. I have a lot of activities that can't be passed. UIR(Islamic University of Riau) recently held a debate with British style. It makes the college students of FKIP UIR especially be enthusiastic joining this such competition that is held by ESA. Like we know, ESA is a place or media that is very important to improve and make the members of ESA itself be creative and innovative. I'm one of the participant of this debate competition from 4G and my partner was Windy. She is so aggressive in delivering her opinion about something that she know. That's why my friends choose her as the representative from our class. XD (I'm sorry using word *aggressive* here). That's just a ice breaker.. Lol  XD

This event is held because the chairman of ESA wants that the English Student know how the way of the debate especially in British. Esa that is headed by Mr.Rudy wants to make all of participats really understand about the way of debate of British which has Parliamentary system. There are Prime minister and the opponent that has pro and contra argument. There're also the participant that is coming from the other faculty like Economy faculty. I thought that the best participant is from Economy Faculty, because he does speak like the true English people. I really admire him. My friend Rina, said that Saidil (someone who speak like English People) is her friend in YLPI and he always join so many debate competitions.
Ok. Me and windy just up to the semi-final :) No matter what happen, but the important this is we have a great experience n debate. This is the first time I join the debate. And here are the picture that I take during the competition is in progress....
These are the participant that were joining the British Parliamentary Debate that is held by ESA. You can see that the participant who were joining this competition is handsome, beautiful and smart. :D especially me.* The two guys who were wearing the white shirt was my oppenent in Debate. They're my senior.

And this... when the first debate in progress..
It looks great for us who will be called to go to join the next round of debate.
The first round was won by the third group from 4C and runner up was 4D.

This are the host of this event. Someone who wear Batik is Mr.Rudi Irawan (the Esa's Leader)
That's all the description about the event that is recently held by ESA. I'm sorry.. I don't know the woman in this picture even though she know me :D

The last is the picture of the judges...

4G chairman :D

Asslamequm Wr Wb.

Kamis, 25 Maret 2010

Contoh Teks Narrative

The Boy who cried “Wolf”

There was once a shepherd-boy who kept his flock at a little distance from the village. Once he thought he would play a trick on the villagers and have some fun at their expense. So he ran toward the village crying out, with all his might,--
"Wolf! Wolf! Come and help! The wolves are at my lambs!"
The kind villagers left their work and ran to the field to help him. But when they got there the boy laughed at them for their pains; there was no wolf there.
Still another day the boy tried the same trick, and the villagers came running to help and got laughed at again. Then one day a wolf did break into the fold and began killing the lambs. In great fright, the boy ran for help. "Wolf! Wolf!" he screamed. "There is a wolf in the flock! Help!"
The villagers heard him, but they thought it was another mean trick; no one paid the least attention, or went near him. And the shepherd-boy lost all his sheep.
Moral value:
That is the kind of thing that happens to people who lie: even when they tell the truth no one believes them.


Once there were three bears that lived in a house in the woods : a papa bear, a mama bear, and a baby bear. One morning they decided to take a walk before breakfast to let their porridge cool.
A little girl named Goldilocks lived with her mother nearby. Golddocks took a walk through the woods and found the bear’s house. She snielled the porridge in the kitchens and went inside. Goldilocks tasted the porridge in each bowl and finally ate up the porridge in the small bowl. Then she sat on a big chair, but she didn’t like it, because it was hard. Afterwards she sat on the small chair, and it was just right. But while she was sitting on it she broke it. After eating the porridge, Goldilocks felt full and sleepy, and then she went upstairs. There she found a small bed. She lay down on it and fell asleep.
While she was sleeping, the three bears came home. When they went into the kitchen, they got very surprised. Someone had tasted their porridge, even eaten up baby bear’s porridge, while they were taking a walk. Moreover the poor baby bear was upset when he found that his little chair broke into pieces. When they went upstairs, they found out that Goldilocks was sleeping. Baby bear cried out, “Someone has been sleeping in my bed and here she is!”
Goldilocks woke up when she saw the three bears; she jumped out of bed and ran out of the house to her home. Never again did she make herself at home in anyone else’s house.

The Chipmunk That Ran Away

Once upon a time, there was a nervous little chipmunk. She was always afraid that something bad happened to her. One day, she heard a little noise. It was really only an apple that fell to the ground. But the little Chipmunk was afraid and said “The sky is falling in.” Then she railed away as fast as she could go.Soon she met an old brother Chipmunk, who asked, “Where are you running to, little Chipmunk?”And the little Chipmunk answered, “The sky is falling in, and I am running away.”
“The sky is falling in?” said the old brother Chipmunk. And he told the story to his brother chipmunk, until at last there were a hundred brother Chipmunks shouting, “The sky is failing in.”
Soon the larger animals heard what the Chipmunks were saying. The Deer,the Sheep, the Pig, the Camel, the Tiger, and the Elephant began to say, “The sky is falling in.”Then the wise Lion heard all the noise and wanted to know what was happening. He stopped all the animals and asked, “What are you saying?” The brother Chipmunks said, “Oh we heard it from that little Chipmunk!” And the Lion said, “Little Chipmunk, what made you say that the sky was falling in?” And the little Chipmunk said, “I saw it there near the tree.” “Well,” said the Lion, “Come with me and I will show you how something”. “Now get on my back.” The Lion took her on his back, and asked the animal, to stay where they were until they returned.
Then he showed the little Chipmunk that the apple had fallen to the ground. This made the noise that had made her
afraid. The little Chipmunk said, “Oh, I see. The sky is not falling in.”
the Lion said, “Let’s go back and tell the other animals.”
So they went back. At last all the animals knew that the sky was not falling in.

The Lion and the Mouse

A Lion was sleeping peacefully when he was woken by something running up and down his back and over his face. Pretending to be still asleep, the Lion slowly opened one eye and saw that it was a little mouse.

With lightening speed the Lion reached out and caught the little mouse in one of his large paws. He dangled it by its tail and roared, “I’m the King of Beasts! You’ll pay with your life for showing me such disrespect.” The Lion held the little mouse over his huge open jaws and prepared to swallow it.

“Please, please don’t eat me, Mr King of Beasts, Sir,” squeaked the mouse. “If you forgive me this time and let me go I’ll never, never forget it.”

“I may be able to do you a good turn in the future to repay your kindness,” it squeaked.

“You, do me a favour!” roared the Lion with laughter. “That is the funniest thing I’ve ever heard.”

Still laughing, the Lion put the mouse down on the ground and said; “You’ve made me laugh so much I can’t eat you now. Go on, off you go before I change my mind.” The little mouse scurried away as fast as its little legs could go. Not long after this the Lion was caught in a trap by some hunters. They tied him to a tree with rope while they went to get their wagon. The little mouse was nearby and came when he heard the mighty Lion’s roar for help. The mouse gnawed the rope with his sharp teeth and set the Lion free.

“I know you didn’t believe me, but I told you I could help you one day,” squeaked the little mouse. “Even a little mouse like me can help some one as big and strong as you.”

“Thank you my little friend. I won’t forget that lesson,” said the Lion as he ran away before the hunters returned.

The Two Goats

Once there were two thin goats. Both of them were hungry. They were tied together with a brown rope. They wanted to eat the green leaves from two separated bushes. One bush was on the left. The other bush was on the right.

The goats thought they could do everything on their own. The first goat wanted to go to the bush on the left, but the second goat wanted to go to the bush on the right. However, the rope was short. They tried but they could not reach they bushes. They were sad.

Then, the goats decided to work together. First, they are the leaves of the bush on the right. Then, ate the leaves on the left. The leaves were delicious. They were happy.

The Legend of Karimunjava Island

once upon a time in muria mountain, there lived the family of sunan muria. amir hasan or called as sunan nyamplungan is the son of sunan muria.

he was very spoiled by his mother. because of that, he became a naughty boy.

then his father, sunan muria asked him to study in kudus. he studied islamic religion to his uncle, sunan kudus. after some time, he became an obedient young man. sunan muria was very proud of him.

one day, sunan muria asked amir hasan to go to somewhere to spread islamic religion. his father asked him to go to an island that could be seen from muria mountain. it was on the west - north of jepara. this island seemed to be fade (kremun-kremun in javanese). and from that time, people called the island as karimunjava island.
amir hasan followed by his mate went to karimunjava island. they sailed to the island day and night and finally they reached the island. then they did what his father said. amir hasan and his people lived in the island ever after.

Senin, 24 Agustus 2009

Kampung Gue tercinta Lubuk Bendahara

Lubuk Bendahara merupakan sebuah desa yang terletak di Rokan IV Koto deket Ujung Batu. Biasanya kalo keluarga kami mo pulang kampung yaa singgah ke Ujung batu dulu, kemudian nanti baru pergi ke Lubuk Bendahara. Kalo sekarang sih jalan ke Lubuk indah dan bagus banget. Banyak juga sih anak muda yang menggunakan jalan tersebut untuk ngebut-ngebutan, jumping dan berbagai macam kegiatan lainnya.

Dahulu klo mo ke lubuk harus nyeberang make' perahu besar getoh, tapi sekarang udah ada jembatan. Malahan mobil bisa lewat juga kok. Penduduk disana rata-rata berkerja sebagai petani seperti sawit, karet, sawah(klo ada), Mancing Ikan dan lain-lain. Pasar besar di lubuk biasanya diadakan setiap hari Sabtu (klo ga salah. Tempat pemandian yang enak disana selain di rumah yaaaa, sungai siki dan sungai rokan. Dan di sungai rokan klo waktu musim kering ada pulau di tengah sungai rokan, denger-denger bisa jadi lapangan bola.

Banyak banget kenangan yang aku dapet disana. Sangat berkesan, menyenangkan, fantastis dan berbagai hal lainnya aku dapati di sana. Dan tak kalah satu hal, di sungai rokan banyak sekali batu kerikil yang diambil untuk keperluan pertambangan, tetapi anehnya kalau aku lihat bukannya tambah dalem, tapi nambah dangkal. Aku pernah dengar cerita dari Ibuku bahwa dahulu kala ada sebuah kerjaan di Lubuk Bendahara. Kemudian sang permaisuri ingin memandikan anaknya di dekat pinggir sungai rokan. Tak tahu bagaimana yang terjadi tiba-tiba anak sang permaisuri yang masih balita itu hilang begitu saja. Akhirnya sang raja berniat untuk menanyakannya pada orang pintar tentang hal aneh tersebut. Didapatilah berita bahwa anak tersebut tengah diambil oleh seekor naga yang berada di sungai rokan tersebut dan orang pintar itu mengatakan bahwa anak sang raja tidak bisa diambil kembali dan anak itu akan digantikan oleh sesuatu yang akan timbul di dekat tempat anak itu hilang. Setelah tiba pada waktu yang ditentukan, raja melihat ditempat tersebut muncul sebongkahan emas yang cukup besar mendekatinya, tapi karena saking marahnya raja menenggelamkan emas tersebut dan alhasil raja pun tak mendapati apa-apa dari pertemuan tersebut. Begitulah ceritanya.

Kapan yaaaa, jalan ke Lubuk Bendahara lagiiiii, ngggg